Godherja Encyclopedia

Karururī Chorus (concept)

Held in 254 IS, the Karururī Chorus was a conference of many of the greatest holy men of Pre-Boqqarut Damota. Hosted by the soon-to-be Boqqar Eshwo, the task of this great dialogue was to piece together the truth of the world from the teachings of several faiths. This conference is considered the foundational moment for the Mogowai religion that would soon spread through Damota.

Despite the near-mythic status it holds in the present as part of the narrative of the Boqqarut's rise, the Chorus was in reality a deeply divisive event. Multiple individual priests, and eventually entire groups, walked out of the room as the unification of faiths began cutting parts that were found contradictory. Perhaps the most controversial of the many rulings of this body was the declaration that the world's god was dead, which prompted an exodus of priests to flee Eshwo's realm, where they would continue to fight the Boqqarut during the The War of Songs. When the Chorus ended, it presented to Eshwo two things. First, the Hymns of Heaven, the combined and edited songs recording the story and doctrine of the new faith. But second came his burden. As He Who Was Most High was dead, it was up to Eshwo to become a steward over His people, and lead them to the rediscovery of His lost tomb, making him the first Kihinet of the Mogowai.

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