Godherja Encyclopedia

Lonely Light (concept)

Biozone: Lonely Light

Lonely Light is a rocky, volcanic archipelago far to the north west of the Shattered Coast. While much of their north are tundra, the islands are well known for dense herbage and ferns. What few trees survive are thought to have been brought by settlers from old Oejeynica. There is little snow, but rain and fog are common year round.

The most common fauna are often seabirds in migration, with numerous colonies on the north shores. The surrounding waters are also famous for great whales and orcas that dominate the sea, as well as massive sea lions, making travel hazardous for the inexperienced. Some fauna, such as reindeer, were brought from the mainland, but the native blue foxes, llamas, and otters are abundant enough to keep a strong fur trade flowing to Chevalie and beyond.

We set out into the wilderness of temporary hunt biozone, excited for the hunt ahead of us. After weeks of handling the boring minutae of organizing the hunt itself, as well as details such as supplies and transport, we are finally in nature and at peace.

Now all that is left to do is actually pick our quarry. It will take a few hours to reach a spot far enough from civilization as to be worth screening for trails, but a pleasant walk in the great outdoors will surely serve as a good warm up to the hunt itself.