Godherja Encyclopedia

Machyos Prothex (concept)

Machyos Prothex was a 9th century Aversarian Magi who hailed from the borderlands of Malcois and Opakhasia. An Aversarian folk-hero, there are nonetheless two contrasting and distinct historical images of him and his legendary travels across the known world that have cemented themselves in history. The only thing agreed on between both images is that he traveled through each governance of Aversaria, Chevalie, across all of Aironoi and then to Kashirya and possibly Kathun-Kai, aiding locals wherever he went.

The Aversarian version of the tale speaks of an imperious Magi who found himself forced to help degenerate weak-blooded foreigners wherever he went, normally being worshipped as a god by them after saving them singularly from their self-made destruction and admonishing them with knowledge of the Purest. Tales also tell of him wiping out cultures of those he deemed truly impure, despising any daring to try and steal Aversaria's light.

Machyos' other historical narrative is that found within contemporary accounts from the lands he traveled. Prothex was often noted as a surprisingly shabby man despite the propaganda of his homeland, and one reticent to reveal his noble blood or magical ability. Instead, Machyos was simply bored, wishing to find interesting things in the world and meet interesting people. With a strong sense of right and wrong, Machyos would often involve himself in local matters to keep those he deemed innocent and pure, safe, often making new traveling companions along the way. Most notably is perhaps his friendship with the Kashiryan Magi-Guru Vogib, who aided him in saving Kasihrya during Sabar Lambay Raad.

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