Godherja Encyclopedia

Malcois (concept)

Biozone: Malcois

Malcois is most well known for the rugged cliffs and mountains that dominate and shield the region on all sides. The interior is cut by deep ravines and rolling hills that give the otherwise temperate land an incredibly rugged feel. Despite what the wilderness may portray, there are very few natural dangers left in the wild. Many believe this to have been thanks to the ancient Iyrossi's obsessive honor culture having led to the destruction of many of the region's more dangerous species.

Malcois possesses a temperate environment generally considered pleasant if not quite drab and dreary. Great cliffs of marble and granite dominate whatever parts of Malcois aren't covered by rolling hills and deep-cut ravines, and most of the area immediately away from the coast is considered quite rugged and inhospitable due to the lack of arable land and the jagged terrain. Despite this, it is devoid of many more dangerous oddities and creatures encountered elsewhere on Aeras.

In spite of the relative safety, however, there do remain dangers. The thousand years of brutal slavery against the Iyrossi have produced numerous angry spirits and loose mutants, and the horrific fighting of the Chaos of the Seventh Century and the Kartharaddi Wars left many strange beasts and ghasts behind as testament that remain to this day. Finally, some of its more hostile native species still survive in the more isolated corners of the otherwise prosperous Mytidon Valley, though the natives have largely kept them highly rare or likely extinct.