Godherja Encyclopedia

Prohen (concept)

It is austere Prohen who weaves and cuts our fates, according to the Sjalvolki. With his wife Marma he fathered the gods, Velos, Pekwon, Pekielo, Varpalis, Zamistra and Ureha but instead of searching for new lands with his children, he travelled further underground below the halls in which souls go to rest. He is absent in most Sjalvolki legends, due to his seclusion but when he does appear he is described as a blind hermit, his skin as pale as chalk and with hair that reaches his feet. Due to his enigmatic powers within Sjalvolki mythology, some consider him to be their true chief god, most notably the Gruelokin who dedicate various rituals and festivals to the Old Weaver.

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