Rayakuux (concept)
One categorization of Damota's Lodges, the rayakuux bear the most resemblance to the old Rayakuux Orders, both focusing largely on traveling and exploration as major aspects of life. However, in contrast to their predecessors, the rayakuux have no central structure, instead being a broad categorization for a massive number of separate groups, many of which maintain their own traditions and rules. Though dedicated to adventure, the majority of a rayakuux's members will most likely remain stationary for most of their lives, generally undertaking only a handful of great journeys throughout their lives. Instead, their role is one of assitance, helping their fellow travelers, and offering safe haven for other members. Larger rayakuux commonly also maintain more centralized structures, employing armed guards and compiling knowledge of their journies, often building up generations of knowledge, with some rayakuux dedicated entirely to scholarly pursuits.