Godherja Encyclopedia

Shared Lich Personalities (concept)

Almost all Liches are:

1. Narcissistic: Liches generally see themselves as the strongest beings 'alive'. All other Liches are merely poor imitations of themselves, and all living things should rightfully bow before them. This generally leads to almost all Liches being locked in constant conflict with another, seeing the mere existence of another Lich as an insult to their own power.
2. Atheistic: Liches see the concept of a higher power as another insult to their own power, seeing themselves as the most powerful beings in existence. Generally, any Lich who believes in any form of divinity (that they do not possess) see the Gods as a challenger to be destroyed.
3. Greedy: Liches constantly desire more power, spending their time either researching new and forbidden Arcana in order to further their abilities or invading the lands of the living or of other Liches in order to further build their powebase.
4. Deceitful: Liches have little sense of morality, and will gladly employ any method they see as necessary to achieve their goals. This has led to the vast majority of Arch Liches in history being defeated by another Lich betraying them the second they find opportune.

One mystery about Liches is whether or not they are capable of truly dying. It is generally agreed that if the skull of a Lich is destroyed they are dead, along with other methods of destroying the soul within the body. However, many have theorized that even if a skull is pulverized to dust, the Lich is still trapped within this dust, just unable to interact with the world.

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