Godherja Encyclopedia

The Central Isles (concept)

Biozone: The Central Isles

The Central Isles is an archipelago found at the heart of the Shattered Coast. While the climate is generally mild and dry, scholars have long considered it impossible to generalize the natural environment of the islands due to their wide range in both geography and ecology. While some may be extremely fertile breadbaskets, others may be nothing more than barren rocks, and there are just as many beaches as sheer cliffs of marble. The islands tend to be more volatile and rocky the closer one is to Malcois.

Some Aversarian scholars have theorized that the islands may have once been a mountain range that sunk into the sea, though there has been inconclusive evidence to support this.

With each island we pass it feels like we are discovering somewhere new. On one side of our boat, a colossal cliffside of blistering white rock stands tall above us. On the other, a thin beach snakes around the islands edge, buffered by a dense thicket of shrubbery and violet trees.

We disembark on a relatively tame coastline of rock and prickly pears—the gentle sea breeze washing over us as we unload. A vast flock of brightly colored birds rise from somewhere on the island and arc across the sky above us. While we may still have some distance to go, I can't help but feel excited for what we may find in these waters.