The Marmaladid Invasions (concept)
The unexpected emergence of the Marmaladid people from the deep Sarradonian Desert in the early 11th century heralded an unprecedented wave of nomadic encroachment into the settled coastal lands of Sarradon. Riding strange beasts and commanding otherworldly magics and demons from the deepest desert, they were a source of terror amongst their foes for nearly a century. While the traditional Wardenite powers of the West and Center would weather the storm and shatter the invaders, the politically disunified lands of Eastern Sarradon would rapidly fall under Marmaladid rule as they swept all before them, subjugating lands to the shore of the Sea of Empires itself in fulfillment of a great and ancient prophecy among their people.
The Aftires (Over Kings) of the Marmaladids who led these invasions were the demigod children of the divine progenitor and namesake of the Marmaladids, and were said to be warlords of great and fearful magical power the likes of which has never been seen before or since. Throughout the course of the 11th and 12th centuries they were variously were slain in battle or ascended into the heavens, and to this day all are subject to folk worship among the Marmaladids alongside more recently adopted Sarradonian cults and faiths.
Marmaladid unity in the conquered eastern lands would not last. Infighting amongst the lower kings and the withdrawal of the divine Djunhat into the desert never to return would see the short-lived realm of Great Tarrafent (Dreamt of Ocean) shatter in only 32 years. It would see reunification under the warlord Ozalces, a Sophocist convert and grandson of Dawas herself, and functioned for a few generations as a Marmaladid Ritualist kingdom before collapsing due to kinstrife.