Turmoil of the Sixteen Aautokratirs (concept)
The Turmoil of the Sixteen Aautokratirs was a period of widespread anarchy and civil warfare that engulfed Aversaria in the wake of The Odrstund, spanning from 1169 IS to Anesimasios' (ultimately short-lived) reunification of most of the empire (excluding Katraddia, parts of northern Kalathipsomi and Krehejad) in 1181 IS. The culmination of more than a century of Aversarian decline, the Turmoil would prove to be one of the most destructive civil wars to grip the empire since the Chaos of the Seventh Century, and though it would later ultimately be overshadowed by the Imperial Civil War, many of the political fault lines and key players that would play pivotal roles in the latter conflict first achieved prominence in this decade-long conflageration.
Despite its name, the epoch undoubtedly saw more than sixteen individuals pretend to the title of Aautokratir, the oft-cited number mostly only referring to those that held Oraispol or Asiupoli for some length of time and not including the various provincial warlords that never came close to controlling either. Many of these would-be rulers of Aversaria would come to be regarded as some of the most tyrannical and incompetent that the empire had ever seen - the monstrous Aeolus 'Bileblood', the prophet-magi Kyrgos and his Cult of the Purest's Flame, and the ruthless Mountani sisters (along with their famed rivalry) being only some of the infamous despots to rise and fall in the period.