Twin Deceivers (concept)
In the beginning, the mighty Twin Gods Jerniem and Tarfal gathered the Nattanan and taught them the True Path. Korlacu the younger brother was entrusted with using fire to cull overgrowth and to shape the surrounding mountains to protect against invaders. After a time, Korlacu was gradually neglected and ignored, for the Twin Gods had grown comfortable with their perfect garden of Nattanan and did not want to burn parts down to bring natural renewal, deciding to feed their growth by magic instead.
Over time, it became apparent to Korlacu that fire had no place in a world under Jerniem and Tarfal’s control and so began to wander Aeras in search of inspiration and enlightenment. Seeing the ways of the outside world, he was entranced and amazed by all that man had accomplished when not following the Twin Gods’ rules. He told others of his discovery and taught them new magic and methods - a decision that would lead to tragedy writ in flames.