Godherja Encyclopedia

Vaarash (concept)

The Vaarash, or 'Collapse', was the third of the Chan Skorpokaipis; four separate near-apocalypses widely agreed to be the fault of Vidvaookeyatran scholars.

The Collapse began when scholars of the Vidvaookeyatran 'Sansthakap' sect were comissioned to write the dynastic biography for Chutagrat, the reigning emperor of the Taryaad Saramsaasan. During the course of their research in his extensive libraries, they discovered several pecularities with Chutagrat's lineage, as well as information on the early life of the dynasty's founder, Asojiva. The Sansthakaps immediately disseminated the knowledge as demanded by Vidvaookeyatran beliefs, which destroyed the legitimacy of Chutagrat's rule and immediately caused what would become a twenty year series of brutal civil war. The wars would only end with the death of the last Taryaad pretender and with it the end the concept of any form of a united Kashirya.

Vidvaookeyatrans would make contradictory reasonings for why they were not at fault, claiming both that the Sansthakap's were a rogue sect not following proper practices who possibly invented the knowledge, and also that the destruction of the dynasty was proof of its instability and that the information was merely an excuse used by greedy nobles. Alongside both arguments was the usual mantra that the knowledge was rightfully shared with the people and that it was others fault for using it poorly.

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