Godherja Encyclopedia

Adabyann (culture)

For centuries the City of Golden Statues stood empty, the subject of legends from a time out of memory naming it home to capricious devils and evil spirits. The ancestors of the Adabyanns were, for reasons that are still historically murky to this day, the first to break the old taboos. Braving the pockets of dangerous and unpredictable magic surrounding the ruin they took destiny into their own hands and changed the history of the south forever. Today, their descendants enjoy wealth and prosperity unheard of across Aeras, the fruits of their labors to replicate the wonders found in their new home. With these marvels hunger has been banished, a number of common diseases and parasites have been eradicated, and numberless nations have been subjugated to feed the Adabyann people's ever growing hunger for luxury and wealth.