Godherja Encyclopedia

Carsavisian (culture)

Native to central Chevalie, the Carsavisians are a people of fortitude. Battered by centuries of Lich invasion, their culture was shaped by their need to stand against the odds. As cities burned and fortresses fell, they learned to rebuild stronger, taking each mistake and improving upon it. Though the other Chevaliens are adept at the construction of fortresses, the Carsavisians are masters, their towering edifices having been shaped through bitter experience. The constant quest for improvement has become integral to their identity, with failure being merely an obstacle, a test in preparation for eventual success.

Viewing the world through this lens, they care less about punishing a failure and more about learning from it. Their Wayfathers are famously lenient, so long as improvement is made. Those who give up, however, are rejected from their society, for the Carsavisians believe that sheer grit can overcome any challenge. Many of Chevalie's greatest success stories originate from them, stories which are then reintegrated as goals to be striven for. Whatever fate awaits them, they will surely embrace it, accepting it as merely another obstacle to overcome.