Godherja Encyclopedia

Central Aversarian (culture)

Aversarians from the region of Malcois are oft referred to as Central Aversarians. Regarded as a rich people, they are not considered particularly proud or modern, preferring conservative politics and dress as compared to many of their countrymen. Known for managing the massive slave-estates and factories of Malcois, they wear simple clothes and armor of unpainted iron, and live in homesteads that double as forts in case of slave uprisings. Central Aversarian are considered an honest people, generally shunning intrigue and subterfuge as slave tactics and preferring their dealings me upfront and honest in nature.

Rarely known for any sort of show of wealth and power, they are still feared for their iron gripped rule, and nobles regularly carry chains of iron worn about their waist or over their shoulder, or decorating their armor, as a quiet sign to their enemies. The colors of Malcois are blue, grey, black and white.