Godherja Encyclopedia

Charchac (culture)

Found in the southeast of the Armazli Mountains, the Charchac people are defined by their stubborn fervour. Their insularism has been driven by a cultural enmity between them and their neighbours, their traditions and religion often dismissed as bizarre. Their ancient history saw them ruled over by a powerful priestly caste, who controlled every aspect of their lives. At the age of six, half of all Charchac children would be chosen for a life as a priest or a warrior, and only those that failed would be allowed to take another trade.

However, their culture radically shifted as a result of Amaghean conquest. The priestly caste was relegated to the bottom of Charchac society, and a raiding culture became the core of their existence. With their people being treated as less than human by their Amaghean slave lords, Charchac clans regularly raid the lands of the Amagheans to kidnap their women and children, burning them on great pyres. However, despite the fervent hatred in their hearts, the Charchac people have never managed to regain their ancient dominance.