Godherja Encyclopedia

Draneti (culture)

The Draneti are the native people of the central Armazli Mountains and the surrounding coastline. Their strict tradition of protecting the local wildlife has given the Draneti a reputation of being kinder to animals than strangers. Despite this outward coldness, they pride themselves on their extensive guest rites. It is said that even their most hated enemies will not be refused the right of protection should they seek a Draneti home for aid.

As a result of their honour, the Draneti have been the favoured slaves of their Amaghean neighbours for centuries. Often serving in the homes of their masters rather than toiling on plantations, the Draneti have been treated favourably long enough to grown accustomed to their station. Their lack of open resistance to Amaghea has also destroyed many of their early warrior traditions, leaving the Draneti a relatively diplomatic group in times of both peace and war.