Godherja Encyclopedia

Guillater (culture)

Guillaters, whether they live among the decadent sea-gardens of the aristocracy of De Illitrat, among the sunken and moss-grown towers of Pytheceas, red-watered and blue-shored alien locales of Iyondel, or even the dreary sprawling slums of the Den Tériatrixx trade-cities, are perhaps the most diverse, proud and successful peoples of the Isles and perhaps Aeras as a whole. Named for the legendary Admiral Guillate den va Chrestoffexaroff who largely liberated the Isles from the imperial exploitation of the Chevaliens, Aversarians and the Konijkmener, the Guillaters may speak the languages of their once-colonizers and seem similar to their mainland kin, but all-together form an entirely unique culture defined not by their homelands but by their bitter refusal to be forced under them.