Godherja Encyclopedia

Ikanita (culture)

Based out of the island of Wellatola, the Ikanita are a proud culture. A hybrid of the native Deraani and Sarutan explorers, the Ikanita were born in the aftermath of the Dharya Varha and the expulsion of many loyal to the Dharyam Lon. The Ikanita quickly established themselves as master shipwrights, building larger and heavier ships than the original Deraani frequented. These ships have historically kept outsiders from the rich lands of Wellatola, but they have also been known to be used for acts of piracy.

Their vast island has given them many resources, but few amongst their neighbours have seen the worth in their gifts. The great pit of Paccai Malai gifted them the distinctive gold bands that line their necks, and the leather of the local rovarskan dragons is used by the Ikanita to make thick shields and armor. The Ikanita are one of the most isolationist cultures of Kashirya, and only emerge from their island for trade or plunder.