Godherja Encyclopedia

Jassi (culture)

Descendants of the various cultures brought to work in the factories, native Iyrossi and Aversarian punitive slaves, the Jassi are a melting pot of various different ideas and belief systems. Consider neither Iyrossi or Aversarian enough by their kin, they have been blamed both for the start of slave revolts and their failure. Despite this a strong sense of identity emerged within the Jassi due to their shared grievances, not clouded with delusions of the past, for the Jassi had also been slaves and nothing else, they saw the squalid conditions their people put up with for what it was, and wished for better. Treated with contempt by both the oppressors and oppressed made its mark on the fledging peoples, for as the slave revolt spread to their plantations and factories, the Jassi made no exception for those that had wronged, Aversarian or not. The Jassi represent the amalgam of the various cultures brought to work in Malcois and perhaps its future.