Godherja Encyclopedia

Mineris (culture)

The most complacent of the slave castes, and with the shortest life span, the Mineris lived most of their lives in the dark. Mostly sequestered to the North, where the mineral wealth was, they lived a simple life. Centuries of living life in low light had led their skin to turn noticeably whiter over the generations. They constantly dig and create new rooms, tunnels, and mines for their Magi masters. While normal realms would sell their mineral wealth and use it for weaponry or armor, the Magi would rather use it to perform exotic transmutation rituals. It was not until they saw the smoke billowing and recovered from their shock, did they seize the north. Since fear was the driving factor behind keeping the Mineris in check and the Magi mostly fled back to defend the Academy, the seizure of the North was almost bloodless.