Godherja Encyclopedia

Mutsartan (culture)

The Mutsartan are the western branch of the Mar'maladid peoples, living a semi-nomadic lifestyle in the inhospitable Jayyal-el-Alfirk mountains. Though somewhat more settled than the Utyalid, they are considered to be none the more civilized, and some even consider them to be even more barbaric. Of course, this isn't helped in the slightest by the fact that, like seemingly all the other Mar'maladid cultures, they are all too happy to treat brigandry as a perfectly valid full-time occupation.

What sets them apart from their brother cultures to the east, however, is their adherence to the strange religion known as 'Quwazaw' which they adopted in the indeterminate past. Attempts to trace the faith back to mainline Ritualism or Wardenism have all produced assertions based on shaky evidence at best, and scholars have remarked that the faith most closely resembles the Adabyssinians' worship of their golden statues, though how the Mutsartan could have picked up this tradition from them is unknown at present time.