Godherja Encyclopedia

Neshalar (culture)

The Neshalar follow a strict creed of adherence to the so-called 'true' faith of their priesthood, despite their faith having changed many times over the centuries, never straying far from the path of their clergy or the way of their forefathers. Whilst their society has been held together by its strict cultural traditions, it has also grown weaker over centuries of war and famine brought about by their zeal and stubbornness. Whilst their scholar-priests, never far from the side of local aristocrats, have traditionally brought stability to their home, they have also kept the Neshalar weak in the eyes of their Zabari brethren.

Neshalar women form the warrior class of the culture, after many theological discussions barred men from military service on spiritual grounds. Traditionally, they wore large metal bell-shaped dresses as armor, but over time their design has become less ornamental and more practical. Wars with the Zabari are not uncommon, and even the most delusional priests of the Neshalar could not stand to let tradition stand in the way of their survival.