Godherja Encyclopedia

Parakh (culture)

The Parakh are the native people of central Kashirya, living in the transition zone between the great Kashti Salt Flats and the Darmirat plain. Their land is a harsh one of scrub and twisted Banyan trees, resulting in a subsistence based lifestyle not dissimilar to the ancestral population the Dayatemi descend from. While the Parakh may be derided as primitive by others on the Kashti peninsula, they hold a deep knowledge of their lands and zealously guard them from any intruders. Heavily tattooed and wearing ochre war paint, Parakh skirmishers are a fearsome foe on the battlefield.

In addition to their warlike reputation, the Parakh also retain a diverse oral culture, with numerous tales speaking of great warriors, terrifying beasts, and devastating magics. The most curious of these tales is that of Dahangon, a far off land said to be beyond the mountains, where the Parakh claim the Dayatemi peoples were created to serve the divine.