Godherja Encyclopedia

Ran Kemsari (culture)

The Ran Kemsari are the people of what was once the imperial nexus of Kemsar. Though always somewhat distinct from the Almajun, the two cultures diverged most strongly during their separation in the Second Interregnum - at least, until the Battle of the Broken Chain. With the seemingly final destruction of the Kemsari Empire and drastically reduced mobility between the two halves of the former realm, their differences have grown even more extreme.

During their heyday, they were perhaps one of the most decadent, opulent and artistically inclined peoples of their age. More liberal, cosmopolitan and urban than their southern kin, their influence on surrounding cultures was the strongest of all the Kemsari. Likewise, they were the group that has historically tended to adopt the most foreign habits - though of course, this was a fact that they fervently denied. Today, however, they have fallen far from the heights they once soared, and are a warlike, tribal culture barely scraping by in the searing wasteland that was once their bejeweled empire.