Godherja Encyclopedia

Samojitian (culture)

Once upon a time, there were no people living in the area surrounding the ancient Mayikrata. It was not until the Magi learned of the power within that settlements sprang up around the site and its surrounding mountains. But Magi were loathe to do hard work themselves, so the Aversarians would bring in slaves to work their mines, till their fields, keep their houses clean and warm their beds. At the start the slaves were worked to death, brutalised, used in rituals by the practitioners, but they were far away from the readily available slaves the rest of the Empire had access to. As decadence soon took hold of the Magi, the chains on their slaves began to loosen. Over time the slaves were allowed more autonomy, able to have their own families (of course, born into servitude) and splitting cultures started to develop within the insular slaves. These cultures are what the modern Aversarian would call a 'native.' Now the term Samojitian is the umbrella term for the four descendant slave cultures.