Saruyad (culture)
Arising among the great forests and sweeping vales of the paradisiacal and pleasant green land of northern Kharadun, the Saruyad have historically been a people apart from the rest of Sarradon. To their Amuuad and Tasurmad neighbors their traditions seem clannish and uncivilized, and whilst their homelands have seen the foundations of great empires rise and crumble, the Saruyad themselves have rarely had the privilege to rule.
In spite of this the Saruyad themselves are a remarkably friendly and open people to those few who have earned their trust and even foreigners find themselves treated to elaborate hearth-rites and visitor ceremonies. To violate hospitality is worse than death to any honorable Saruyad and their folk traditions are replete with stories of great and bloody clan wars and feuds stemming from such slights. Another well-kept secret is the unusually active amount of magical blood found particularly amongst the commoners. Daughters born amongst them who show such talents are usually taken in to be raised and tutored in secret arts by local lodge societies of hedge witches known as Akkabla, who are viewed with awe and reverence.