Godherja Encyclopedia

Sindaara (culture)

The Sindaara hail from the inner forests of Kashirya, remnants of a native culture from the Night Coast that was displaced after the arrival of the Nakahanii in the Aukalion Tutil. Where they once guided trade through the treacherous waters of the Pirate Coast, they also found success guiding merchants and travelers through the misty forests. However, armies have a harder time finding passage through Sindaaran lands; the Sindaaran more likely to harass any threat to their homelands.

The Sindaara are also renowned across Kashirya for the Ḍaarā'putalnī and travelling puppeteers can be found all across Kashirya, dispersing knowledge and wisdom in addition to entertainment. Though, many a Sindaaran have found themselves at the wrong end of the blade due to a risqué joke at a ruler's expense.