Godherja Encyclopedia

Symvolix (culture)

The Symvolix are an ancient branch of Aversarian culture native to the eastern Isles of the Tower Sea, most notable for their continued practice of many archaic customs and social norms that have long since gone extinct among their distant cousins on the mainland.

Their basic political unit continues to be the polis of pre-Aversarian days of yore—their ancient institutions continue to operate, and their political systems are a diverse mix of oligarchies, democracies, autocracies and occasional hybrids and outliers. Due to the intensely parochial and competitive nature of this social system, outsiders are mistrusted, and rivalries between cities sometimes predate the Empire itself.

Largely fallen from their antique glory days, Symvolix legends wistfully recall their golden age—these tales oftentimes growing completely fantastical and utopianistic in nature.