Godherja Encyclopedia

Virlani (culture)

Found along the coasts of central Kashirya, the Virlani are a nation of explorers dedicated to searching for lost knowledge across both Kashirya and eastern Sarradon. To them, there is nothing greater than the discovery of forgotten relics or the re-emergence of formerly forbidden scrolls in their halls. A Virlani thakteiy without a collection of foreign oddities is no master worthy of serving, and a common proverb amongst the culture states that any conversation shorter than an hour is not worth having between friends.

Whilst once a relatively prominent maritime people, the Murtuy ka Varha destroyed many of their coastal cities, leaving the ruins to opportunists and pirates. Despite their waning size, however, the Virlani still prize the art of adventure and patronise as many great voyages across the seas as they can. In many ways, what makes a Virlani worthy of the moniker is how few local artifacts they need display to honoured guests.