Godherja Encyclopedia

Yylaxxaz (culture)

The Yylaxxaz have historically been simple shepherds living off the Amaghean coast. Tribes roam the hills, following wherever the green grass grows. The tribe is centered around their flock, the sheep having as much say in their journey as the shepherds. The Yylaxxaz language is completely undecipherable to any foreigners. Dialects can vary greatly between individuals, with completely different grammar structures and pronunciations. Strangely, sparse records from decades ago have made no note of any unique languages, simply noting them as Amaghean shepherds.

As a result, most of Amaghea regards them as a simple and backwater people who spout nonsense words to each other. However, the Yylaxxaz are a philosophically minded people, with tribal elders often meeting to discuss the path that the world has taken, smoking chort and talking long into the night.