Godherja Encyclopedia

Beneath the Mountain's Shadow (event)

Character: Count Min Thu Mandalay of Adhit Tra

I will never forget the day I saw my father dad.GetFirstName fall in battle at the hand of those cursed Olteni. How could I forget? slayer.GetFirstName took one of my eyes and left me to watch my village burn. I can still smell the smoke from the flames and the dying screams of my mother mother.GetFirstName as they overpowered dad.GetFirstNameNoTooltip and his loyal warriors, laid waste to our village, and slaughtered almost everyone else on sight. I may not be as great a warrior as my father was, but my people can rest assured that I shall not rest until I avenge my father's death and bring home the head of slayer.GetFirstNameNoTooltip on a spear.

Vengeance shall be mine.