Godherja Encyclopedia

Blood for Gorassos, skulls for his throne! (event)

Character: Gorassos 'Skull-Taker'

Aeschraes once called me his mad dog. His personal killing machine to sic on whoever he desired bled out in only the most gloriously blood ways.

And the killing was good. So so good. Blood covered me as I butchered his enemies, skulls clitter-clattering from my armor as I collected new ones to present to my enemies. The 'Skull-Taker' they called me, and I gloried in the name.

But Aeschraes is weak, losing his realm and his chance to spill blood. Glory to the killing he brought me, but there is more killing to be found now. I am the reincarnation of the Purest, and the legacy of our people will be spilled across every land where the soon-to-die live.

Maim, kill, burn! MAIM, KILL, BURN!