Godherja Encyclopedia

Bringers of Order (event)

Character: Duke Iokharos of Legio LXXVII 'Pirateslayers'

Fifty-four years. It has been fifty-four long years since the glorious empire of our forefathers was obliterated by the powerlust of the old nobility. It was not barbarian magics, or any individual who killed Aversaria. It was the lot of them. And since I was but a child, that cycle has only continued. I grew up in this legion, hearing the tales of the time when the children of the Purest were strong, when all trembled before our might. I heard of a time of honor and virtue.

But in reality, I saw nothing but rot and ruin. My Legion, Noble Legion LXXVII 'Pirateslayers', did nothing but run in circles, serving the petty feuds of our noble masters while they desperately clung to the luxury of a lost age, aiding pretender after pretender in the endless series of coups, rebellions and countercoups which have plagued Krehejad since before the Civil War had even ended. But enough was enough.

When my predecessor died in a battle to place the crown upon some fool, I made my move. With the other legions of Krehejad scattered, we raised our own banner in rebellion. For I know the truth. Aversaria was destroyed by its nobles. It is time for the Legions to rule.

We ever march onwards.