Godherja Encyclopedia

Sheep in Wolves Clothing (event)

Character: Duke Kekropi Aeovios of Ephoupoli

Gold! All I wanted was some FUCKING gold! Gold from the High King, gold from that beautiful little viper of a daughter of his. Gold from SOMEBODY. Is it too fucking much to ask for an honest living? Some money to sit around on some islands and push around a peasant once in a while? Well fucking APPARENTLY it is! Here we are, sitting on this shitty fucking island that was the only thing worthy of some form of payment I could fucking think of.

And- and- and the fucking Sjalvolki! How the fuck was I supposed to know they were only landing with two dozen men? When you see the longships, you run! Everyone fucking knows that! You do not fucking fuck with the Sjalvolki, who the hell would have paid me to do that? How would I take that payment if I was DEAD? Half my company was at the Elysian Pass, do they think I am that excited to fucking play with THAT?

Oh fuck he's coming isn't he, that fucking Sjalvolki. Oh Purest fuck me damn it all fu- sh- ah damn it. What the fuck do I even do now?