Godherja Encyclopedia

The Fraternal (event)

Character: Countess Antipatra of Parios

She tried to tempt me, to make me break from my brothers and sisters in the Fraternity. She promised the power I dreamt of, magic to shatter empires and build new ones in their stead. I made the ultimate mistake of trusting her, of trusting one outside our Fraternity, and she tried to tear me from them, for her pathetic cult with its delusions of grandeur and saviorhood.

The Cleansed may be closer to the truth than most, but they still make that most fatal of mistakes, trying to justify themselves as doing what is right, what is good for all. Even in their plots to kill countless and enslave countless more, they write ponderous tomes about how in the end the world they make will be better for all. I know better than that. The Fraternity serves none but ourselves. We will not bring a golden age for the peoples of the world. We will bring a golden age for us chosen few, and the rest of the world will die or toil in misery to enable it.

Oh Athanasia, I almost fell for your lies. The Fraternity will have special punishment for you.

She will regret her betrayal.