Godherja Encyclopedia

The Heir to Greatness (event)

Character: Count Angobo kin Mamakhim of Basit

Four years before I was born, my father, Qikim the Great, did something none of the Madikirib had done in centuries. He recreated the great Erami of Ildurilulkhim, winning independence for our people after centuries of foreign overlords. And then, he died with only a single heir: me. I was barely an adult, and far from the prodigy my father had been. It felt like for every talent he had, I had none. I quickly found myself hated by all my vassals, for failing to live up to my father's example. My situation was hopeless, and I couldn't imagine it getting worse. It turned out that imagination was just another skill I failed at. Another great ruler, even more charismatic than my father, swept through Sarradon, and asked for the assistance of the Manat. My vassals then swore fealty to him, as if I had never been there. I tried in vain to reassert my authority, but eventually, I gave up, and swore fealty as well. My advisors assure me that I am still young, and have the potential to reassert my role as Marilun, but with each day that passes, that possibility seems less and less likely.

Is it even worth trying to rebuild my father's legacy?