Godherja Encyclopedia

The Journey's End (event)

Character: Cenware 'Witch-Breaker'

Ever since I've been but a babe in my mother's arms, I've watched my kin having their ancestral lands, our hallowed soil given to us going back time immemorial, stripped from them by the Fog. Village by village, grove by grove, meadow by meadow, we were gradually being reduced to refugees with no home, and the fault was not even our own. The Aversarian menace, in their eternal greed and malice, have set the world aflame, and we were to pay the price of their transgressions first.

But it was not to be.

Under my banner, I have united the thousand clans, and for the first time in memory, we march as one. One people, one army, one cause - the claiming of our new birthright. Recently, we have finally shattered the last enemy host of any respectable size whatsoever at the Elysian Pass, and their homelands stand ripe for the taking. The crimes of a thousand years will meet justice, the wicked will be struck down, the arrogant - humbled, and my people given a new home.

Our trials were long and many, but the end is in sight.