Godherja Encyclopedia

The Sea-Sword (event)

I was merely a child of five when my father died, and merely seven when the world broke. My earliest memory is being rushed onto a ship by my terrified, grieving mother, who explained to me that with my father dead, we would need to abandon our home. Raised in Oraispol, I have spent my whole life in exile, dreaming of the day when the world can be fixed, when I can set things right.

In my absence, Krehejad has burned, consumed by the same terrible flame of war which has laid Aversaria so low. Where once we lived in unimaginable prosperity, we now slaugter each other for the honor of wearing a bloody crown. But I can break that cycle. In the name of the rightful Aautokratir, I can save Krehejad. I will be the light in this time of darkness, I will be the hero these islands need. Already the northern reaches of Leidokos have accepted my righteous return, and they will be only the first.

My name will be sung by generations of future Krehejadis, who will have been born in an age without war. All I need to do is press onwards, and this fragment of our broken world can be put back into place.

The hopeful will travel far