A'Arayi (faith)
Parent: Wardenism
Meaning "regency", the A'Arayi were born when Tathtali joined the Eastern and Western Mamuramats, bringing most of the East's beleaguered courts with him. A few of these courts, however, refused to follow. Clustering around the High Court Judge turned Warlord Afnaan, they refuted Tathtali's claim to right by marriage. In absence of any legitimate candidate to serve in Tathtali's stead, the High Court of the East - an institution formed at the behest of Afnaan - would serve as regent until such a time as a rightful heir to the East could be found. Given the complete apparent extinction the Zaahirah family's matrilineal line - apart from Sanad's children via Tathtali who were illegitimate by way of their father's usurpation - this last goal has proven somewhat difficult.
The High Court of the East have propped up a handful of hopeful pretenders to the throne throughout the centuries, and though they have not yet succeeded, the stubborn Arayi Judges believe it's only a matter of time until the Tathtalite Heresy is overthrown.