Godherja Encyclopedia

Amaghean Aagiokrata (faith)

Parent: Aversarinas Aagiokrata

The Aversarianzed version of the thousands of Amaghean faiths, the Amaghean Aagiokrata greatly emphasizes the role of the Magi (especially those of Aversarian blood) in the Amaghean faith and their ability to ascend to godhood alongside great warriors of old. Even further, the Amaghean Aagiokrata holds that Magi can transcend to an even higher plane of existence than the other gods and be ever closer to Arnaz the "Great Ancestor" and rule eternally from heavenly paradise. Warriors are still more often exalted, though the faith emphasizes that this is through showing "aspects of Magi" and that they will rarely, if ever, be able to rise quite as high as those with the gift. This faith came about when Aversaria pacified the Amaghean coasts; however, it did not take major traction until the reign of Dedaphal Mariamne 'the Builder,' who would patronize the Amaghean Aagiokrata and turn it into its modern incarnation.