Godherja Encyclopedia

Caradounars (faith)

Parent: Apti

Founded by the eponymous Huegodoc prophet Caradoun, the Caradounars are a much despised messianic sect which has riven the Apti faith in recent decades. Most infamous among their many and varied controversial beliefs is that the Frodbrokna was actually a holy, sacred event - the first act in a grand cosmic becoming which will see the Dreamer begin to dream the world anew. The dreaded Fog is simply the oncoming end of the dream, a vast and slowly moving tidal wave of lucidity sweeping over Aeras whose arrival they must prepare the world to receive.

To call this theological turn 'controversial' would be an understatement. These teachings were considered unctuous enough that the normally heterodoxy-tolerant Apti turned upon Caradoun and his followers, capturing and impaling him and his fifty five disciples in 1211 IS.