Godherja Encyclopedia

Cult of the Cleansed (faith)

Parent: Island Cults

At the edge of the island remnants of Aversaria, the ancient cult of the Cleansed has reemerged in the wake of Frodbrokna, preaching a new message of restoration in the midst of general anarchy. Several Isles have fallen under their sway through bloody uprisings and brutal conquests, often followed by mass purges of those deemed unwilling or unable to understand the calamity adherants hold was spawned of a milenium of Aversarian degeneracy.

Believers speak of an ancient ritual known only as the Blood Trial, a trial that allows a Magi to be purified, false beliefs eradicated, their blood cleansed, and a path to the Purest made clear. This path is said to be a blessing from the highest figure of the cult, the so-called 'Voice of the Purest'. The few exiles that have left the cult since the Frodbrokna speak of a depraved ritual of self-flagellation, complete Magi supremacy, and the widespread enslavement of non-Magic commoners.