Godherja Encyclopedia

Cult of the Fifth (faith)

Parent: Ancient Religion

A millennium of Aversarian rule has seen the rise and failure of innumerable slave revolts on the Isles, often coinciding with whispers of an ancient struggle against the everlasting aautokrata by the enslaved masses. In the chaos of the Frodbrokna, a thousand year belief has finally come to light across the isles. The tale always starts with the Fifth, a figure of dissent, long filled with regret. In the shadow of death, the Fifth came to despise the Four, seeing the corruption of tainted blood that nearly saw the end of their people.

The Fifth preached to those who would listen of the Truth, a message of betrayal that saw his newfound followers send him to the ancient gods of old. The Five must fall, their descendants slain, the isles freed, their people restored to the lands they once called home, an end to the war that was not lost.