Godherja Encyclopedia

Eirbaadit al-Muntarisa (faith)

Parent: Ritualist

Founded by the adventurer-king Hasan al-Khour in 727 IS, the Cult of the Monoliths worships three white monoliths engraved with unusually intricate designs and of extremely smooth surface situated in Jubaal-Khour. Claiming that the monoliths gave commandments to their most faithful followers when smeared in blood, ritual bloodletting swiftly evolved into the sacrifice of criminals to the monoliths, which purportedly increases the intensity of their commandments, as they are almost inaudible when given only offerings of blood. The monoliths are believed to represent a chthonic three-headed god of life and death, who was the first being to ascend the 1001 Steps of Sophocos where he became King of all Gods.