Godherja Encyclopedia

Followers of Guillate (faith)

Parent: Island Cults

The rare unity forged by Guillate forever cemented his legacy in the greater Isles, a most beloved hero of all islander cults. For his most loyal followers however, Guillate is something far greater. In death, believers hold that Guillate passed beyond the lands of heroes, ascending to rule over the pantheon's of his newly forged empire for eternity. Contempt has long festered amongst the Followers for the peoples of the isles, in their eyes betrayers of Guillate's legacy in their destruction of his empire and denial of his high status.

The Frodbrokna in their eyes is Guillate's long awaited divine punishment, righeous retribution for the islanders's ignorance and lack of humility. Radicalisation and militarisation has followed, as their path has been made clear through a most divine revelation of a most holy war. Followers seek an end to the worship of lesser heroes, to cast the idolatry of false heroes into the sea and offer the isles to Guillate as a gesture of submission to the supreme hero.