Godherja Encyclopedia

Mountain-Sun Temple (faith)

Parent: Ancient Religion

'Followers' of the Mountain-Sun Temple, as they refer to themselves as, worship the mountain now referred to as the Vounill. Follower doctrine claims that there are twenty major gods and eighty spirits and demons, and their esoteric methods are far too complicated and intricate for anyone to understand unless they have dedicated themselves to studying them. Followers believe that nobody but one who understands them may rule, and historically the Mountain-Sun Temple was entirely ruled by a theocratic class of monastic orders, the chief one located at the Vounill itself.

When the Mountain-Sun Temple, both the religion and the realm, were conquered by the Aversarians, many of their beliefs and structures were incorporated into their religion. Most notably, the Mountain-Sun Temple still technically exists as the 'Scarlet Chosen', an Aversarian order of warrior-monks protecting the Vounill temples.