Godherja Encyclopedia

Odyrianism (faith)

Parent: Ancient Religion

Odyrianism is the worship of the warlords Odyr Then, Odyr Lleth, and Odyr Hune. Rebels to the ancient Mountain-Sun Temple and then the proto-Aversarians, the Odyr's rose in 65, 87, and 109 respectively. To this day it is hotly debated whether the Odyr's were related, took the former's names out of respect, or if Odyr was some sort of ancient title from a single culture.

Regardless, the Odyr's proved to be shrewd administrators and warriors both, each staging significant rebellions to whichever realm they lived under despite harsh retribution. Odyrians believe that the Odyr's were reincarnations of the ancient god Odyranon, and that one day a final 'Odyr Thorm' will rise and retake the throne of heaven to lead all peoples. While over a dozen false Odyr's have risen over the centuries since Odyr Hune, none have ever proven themselves worthy of the title.