Godherja Encyclopedia

A New Sirhad (innovation)

A relic from the time before the halakdun, the Sirhad was Sarradon's traditional Magi caste, who operated a number of academies with associated cabals across the continent. Despite being split nominally split along religious lines, the Sirhad of old demonstrated a remarkable willingness to set aside religious differences in the name of the pursuit of knoweldge - or in some cases, preventing disaster from reckless use of forbidden spells. Though the original Sirhad fell into disarray after a massive Bloodblight epidemic, and were finally annihilated in the halakdun and The Downfall, as Sarradon's magical bloodlines have begun to recover, the continent has seen a growing interest in reviving the tradition. As new cabals and associations of Magi organize around this half-forgotten ideal, some are beginning to whisper that Sarradon is on the cusp of returning to the Age of Fire.
