Godherja Encyclopedia

Blood Oaths (innovation)

The Sjalvolki culture developed in the cold and misty forests of the continental interior. Now that they have emerged onto the continent's warm and rich coasts, their culture has begun to undergo radical changes. Whereas different tribes would formerly only cross paths to contest for territory, their newfound cosmopolitan environment has begun to create a much stronger Pan-Sjalvolki identity. Most emblematic of this shift is the increasing popularity of blood oaths among adventurous young men. Whilst in centuries past this practice was usually only undertaken by men who already shared fairly close knit communities, it's become common to see oaths bonded between individuals hailing from tribes on complete opposite ends of the Sjalvolki world.

"It is a pity it took the breaking of the world for us to understand we are all brothers. Daukeni, Caemansi, even Barki, we are all Sjalvolki."
~ Jurt Movotsk, speaking to the Fenvir elders